During the early Islamic period, Muslims conquered most of the known world. They defeated the Sassanids of Persia, the Byzantines, and the Greeks. They eventually took over the majority of Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. In the 19th century, the European colonial powers occupied most Muslim lands and undercut traditional Islamic systems of governance.
Islamic doctrine emphasizes oneness and transcendence of God. God is believed to be all-powerful and the creator of the universe. Muslims believe that the descent of Adam and Eve to earth was an honor bestowed by God. They also believe that God will punish people for wrongdoing. In addition to God’s justice, Muslims believe that God is all-merciful. They also believe that humans are created to worship God. Therefore, people are obliged to listen to teachings from prophets. Throughout Islamic history, prophets have been sent to the world to ensure that people worship God properly.
Muslims believe that Muhammad was the chosen messenger of God. They also believe that the Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad. The Qur’an is believed to be God’s perfect book. It contains 114 chapters, each of which is divided into verses. The book is a collection of major themes of life. The Qur’an is considered to be the holy book of Islam.
Muhammad was born around 570 A.D. He lived in a small mosque with his family. He married Khadija at the age of 25. He began to preach a new religion to his friends and family. He also preached to the general public. During his lifetime, Muhammad received additional revelations. The first of these was when an angel named Gabriel appeared to Muhammad while he was in a retreat outside Mecca. He told Muhammad that he was God’s chosen messenger. The angel told Muhammad that he would receive a series of additional revelations.
Muhammad eventually settled in Medina (or the city). Originally, Muslims referred to Medina as Yathrib (or the place of refuge). When the Islamic capital moved to Damascus in AD 662, the mosque’s remaining space was left open for Muslim prayer. Muhammad continued to preach until 632.
As Islam grew, Muslims conquered Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and the Sassanids of Persia. Muhammad attempted to expand north into the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. In 638, Umar, Muhammad’s brother-in-law, was named caliph. He ruled for six months, but was assassinated six months later. The following year, Uthman was named caliph.
Islam continued to spread and intellectuals flourished throughout the multi-cultural world of Islam. Many non-Arabs joined Islam and converted. There were also many Persians who converted to Islam. The Abbasid movement, which involved non-Arabs, demanded equality in Islam.
In addition to worshiping God, Muslims also believe in the afterlife and paradise. Most ordinary Muslims believe in angels, messengers, and the Day of Judgment. Most of the time, they also believe in heaven. However, they also believe in hell. Some Muslims believe that the Qur’an contains references to prostrating during prayer. Others believe that the Qur’an suggests that the son of Abraham is Ishmael.